Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Does Obama have the Balls to Fight for our Jobs....

Then Chinese are yelling loudly that the Fed under Bernanke are manipulating our dollar. The Fed announced on Monday 11/08/2010 that it would inject $600 billion in new money into the banks to help the economy. The Chinese are yelling loudly that Bernanke is manipulating the US Dollar. The Chinese are greatly hypocritical since they ran a Sept. trade surplus which was huge---$27 Billion with know  about our Milktoast President and his cabinet who seem to always back away from any fight with the Chinese will probably get away with it. Then its on to Korea for Obammie to sign on to that one-sided "free trade" arrangement with other words, he is doing his impersonation of GW Bush to export our jobs to China and Korea and Germany without a fight.  The full story is on
--- On Wed, 11/10/10,

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