Friday, October 22, 2010

October 21 2010 Republican Darrell Issa of California Promises to Impeach Obama

Working with the U. S. House of Representatives GOP leaders, Mr. Issa, stated that he will start working toward the impeachment of Obama as soon as the new Republican GOP Congress goes into session in January. Since it has been the contention of the Tea Party member, many in the media such as Rush Limbaugh,  and reputable Republican leaders around the country that Obama is essentially an illegal alien who was smuggled into the United States as an infant in 1961 or so. Many aliens come into the United States this way in order to take advantage of liberal citizenship and welfare payment systems which greatly enrich them for the rest of their lives.

 Congressman Issa is to be encouraged to get the impeachment of Obama going at an early stage. It took several years to prove that Bill Clinton was guilty of sexual advances toward his employees as a Governor of Arkansas and as president. Unfortunately, Clinton was aided by an elaborate public relations team which allowed his crimes to be covered up for several years until Ken Starr brought out the truth and he was impeached.

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