Friday, November 12, 2010

Obama Asia Trip Nov. 11 2010--The Man(?) in the empty suit --- Obama impersonates a Eunoch

Obama has spent ten valuable days on the road in Asia since the disaster for him in losing the Congress elections and many local elections. What did he get from that. Virtually NOTHING. One might suspicion that this is a backroom strategy from Obama's team of Clinton re-treads in the White House. Here is how it works: Obama and the Koreans do not come to an agreement. Obama comes back home but actually has an agreement done with the Koreans which is too their liking i.e. they get full access to our markets but don't give us anything. For example, Obama lets the Koreans sell over 500,000 autos here each year but the Koreans refuse to let us sell cars there. Once the shock of this failed trip is over in a week or so, do not be surprised  if Obama announces that talks have reopened with the Koreans and a "good" agreement has been reached. This is totally Obama-speak--wait until the heats off and then backtrack or cave-in on issues. He is a master at it and who suffers--the middleclass and the taxpayers.

Full Story Link:            

Thursday, November 11, 2010

G20 Meeting Thursday--Nov 11 2010--Has Obama Already Caved In On Trade/USA Jobs?

News coming from Seoul Korea today doesn't bode well for Veterans who will eventually come back to the USA but will not be able to find any jobs.  From the texts, news releases, and leaks coming out of the G20 talks we can only believe that empty suit Obama will return to the United States with an empty market basket. One might wonder why Obama even makes a pretense of pushing the cause of American workers who are being displaced in their jobs as they were under the Bush global cabal by the restrictions placed on American products by Asian countries. One would wonder what "surprise" announcement that Obama will spring on us when he returns from Korea. I would think that his "big one" is going to be that after going on this week long trip, that he was unable to get any agreement on tariffs and trade with Korea, China, Japan, and India but that he and his trade puppet Ron Kirk (know of any recent break throughs on trade this weak toad has engineered) are hopeful that something will happen over the next two years. Compare that to President George H W Bush's trade envoy Carla Hill's record of negotiation of complex deals with India, Brazil, and Japan in the early 1990's.  We would hope that Obama returns from this weeklong trip victorious for the American worker in truly opening up Asian markets to American products, farm goods, etc. but we know from experience that in looking for progress on protecting the working and middle class he usually comes up lacking.
This is the story from the

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Does Obama have the Balls to Fight for our Jobs....

Then Chinese are yelling loudly that the Fed under Bernanke are manipulating our dollar. The Fed announced on Monday 11/08/2010 that it would inject $600 billion in new money into the banks to help the economy. The Chinese are yelling loudly that Bernanke is manipulating the US Dollar. The Chinese are greatly hypocritical since they ran a Sept. trade surplus which was huge---$27 Billion with know  about our Milktoast President and his cabinet who seem to always back away from any fight with the Chinese will probably get away with it. Then its on to Korea for Obammie to sign on to that one-sided "free trade" arrangement with other words, he is doing his impersonation of GW Bush to export our jobs to China and Korea and Germany without a fight.  The full story is on
--- On Wed, 11/10/10,

Friday, November 5, 2010

Obama's Moves on Trade--November Trip to India and Korea?

I saw something a couple of days ago that shows how really lax Obama is and how much he hates to do battle for his Democratic base and American workers.
He announced on Wednesday that he would NOT go after the Chinese on the trade issue. What is really remarkable is that this is the very issue that caused the loss of so many Democrats running for election in states where millions of jobs have been lost (or sent overseas by GW Bush and the GOP). I went to Ohio recently into the former industrial heart of America. It is sad. Around Youngstown over 500,000 jobs have moved offshore and lost. Obama is not to blame--blame goes to the policies of GW Bush and Bill Clinton. 
But Obama has decided to "play nice" on the trade issue. This is an almost predictable side of his character. The same day he made this announcement, the new numbers came out for our trade deficit with China--it was a record and hundreds of billions of dollars.  One would think that Obama get tough on the one way trade of the Chinese and put our workers back to work. But this move on the currency imbalance signals that the White House has decided not to confront the Chinese for artificially keeping their currency undervalued. There are thousands of products that we make that the Chinese refuse to allow us to sell there--this would be a okay if peoples livelihoods, jobs, and homes didn't matter. With this final move Obama has signaled that he will not be pushing for more US jobs in the coming months. This is a tragic message to send to voters and to Democrats in general.
Word on the blogs is that Obama is still secure in his White House cocoon and thinks that as Republicans take control of Congress they will compromise with him for the good of the country. He is NAIVE. His mastery of politics is just a bad as that of  GW Bush. Except that Democrats beginning in 2006 did play nice with Bush and ignored calls from many for his impeachment.  I do not think that Obama appreciates what the Republicans have planned for the balance of his term. These are not the live/let live Democrats who were gracious to Bush and overlooked his illegal invasion of Iraq and his lying to Congress. The Republicans basically are racist and they say this is a chance to put Obama in his place. I am convinced that they plan a January surprise for Obama. I also think that he is ignoring signs that the GOP leaders are going to impeach him. If the GOP has the House they will immediately setup a team to start impeach Obama just as they did to Clinton in the 1990's. For Obama as it was for Clinton, this is going to be a terrible distraction. It will cost him any political momentum he can build, he will be deserted / isolated in the White House by the Democrats because he basically failed to give them any substantial help during the election. The most help he has given any Democrat running is a few lame stump speeches in scattered places. Obama's complacency about the Republicans has already cost him greatly. Unlike Clinton, Obama has a habit of backing off before things even get testy.  Clinton got into the same mess with a hostile GOP Congress lead by Newt Gingrich and Ken Starr but he is a combative person. Obama will find that he be  looking at up to $20 to $25 million in lawyers fees to defend himself. No matter how big his ego is and how much he thinks he can talk his way out of the situation, I believe he is in for a very rough ride for the next two years or until he is impeached.
With impeachment a real possibility not that the House is under control of the GOP and very likely to stay that way with their very wide margin of victories, one can only speculate as to why Obama is making the November trip to discuss trade.
One major item on the legislative agenda in the coming months is the very controversial South Korean Free Trade Agreement.  This agreement has caused heated debate and is opposed by a broad coalition of business and labor groups who see it as another one-way trade agreement which opens our markets up to a broard range of Korean products but allows them to continue to exclude us from their markets. Obama has played lip service to the business / labor coalition but he is surrounded by many Clinton retreads who pushed through the same type of legislation back in 1994 ( NAFTA). Don't be very surprised if Obama suddenly changes his mind and comes out solidly behind this abomination of  "free-trade".  The paradox of this is that the new Republican leadership is solidly behind the Korean trade agreement. They are just doing what they were told to do by their Wall Street bosses who see these sham "free trade" agreements as just another way to ship jobs overseas, break labor unions, and drive down wages of good American workers.